1 sentence that can make you happier

I'm going through a really difficult time in my personal life at the moment.

As a yoga and self-care teacher/coach, I like to share all the ways in which I have my shit together, but I'm of course also a human, sometimes going through tough times and doing my best to deal with them.

In other words, more than ever, I need to follow my own advice and make use of all the tools I share with you.

And I've been thinking...

You know how we often feel nostalgia when we think about a time when life was good?

We think about the good old days, and we wish we had realised at the time that things were good. That we were living our best life, that we were surrounded by great people…

What if we flipped this script and started telling ourselves that the days we are living now are good.

That these days will one day be the good old days that we wish we paid more attention to.

What if we started noticing the things that are good in our life now?

I'd like you to try a little exercise...

Tell yourself as often as possible this one sentence: These are the good days.

It's a type of gratitude practice that doesn't require you to write down lists of things you are grateful for.

I personally keep it displayed on the lock screen of my phone, so that I'm reminded every time I pick it up of all the good things I have in my life at the moment.

Even if it feels your entire world has been turned upside down, look for the small glimmers of hope. The mundane little joys, as well as the big ones.

It might not feel like it, but... These are the good days.

Om, peace 🧡


PS: If you have 4 minutes, I highly recommend you watch this video. It explains how repressed emotions can make us ill.

How your back pain can be a symptom of your grief, or your headache an expression of something unsaid. And for once, the comment section of the video holds many gems.

If it speaks to you, please let me know <3

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Clémence Dieryck

I'm a bilingual yoga teacher who helps people who sit a lot gain mobility, move without pain and reduce their stress.

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