The HUGE impact of small actions

One of the hills I will die on is that self-care acts don’t need to be huge.

One of my incredible Yoga with Clem members told me this on Monday:

I didn't do much for myself last week, just little things here and there - I went for shorts walks, did a few minutes of yoga every other day, took short breaks when I felt tired and made sure I was scheduling time with my family. It felt great!

Who among us can say they did that much for themselves?!

She didn't feel like it was a lot because she didn't do big self-care things. She didn't do hour-long yoga sessions, she didn't take an entire afternoon off to rest.

But these big things can be overwhelming. We think "I don't have time for that."

And we end up doing... nothing.

When the truth is: we don't need to do big things to improve our lives tenfold.

In fact, I'd say it's much more effective to find little acts of self-care in the mundane.

Small decisions.

A few deep breaths when we're stressed. Taking the stairs instead of the escalator. 10 minutes of yoga first thing in the morning. A break when we need it. Sleeping in fresh sheets. Setting the phone to airplane mode before going to bed.

Because all of these small decisions add up and end up making our entire life.

And this legend says it herself: it didn't feel like she did much, but it felt great.

These small decisions are the ones that truly matter, because they happen often, they are reliable.

And our life is the sum of all these small acts. Of all of our average days. Not the big flashy ones.

Om, peace 🧡


PS: I have one last spot for a Hybrid member in June.

If you are ready to improve your daily routine to find more mobility, less pain and no stress, you can reply to this email or answer these questions. We'll have a chat and see if I can help you :)

Hybrid members get:

  • An initial call to understand all the details of your current situation, and what needs to be addressed to make you feel your best
  • Monthly 1-to-1 classes with me, where we explore the practises and exercises that fit your needs
  • A plan for you to follow, with personalised routines and habits that make sense for your life
  • Weekly support to help you stay on track and adjust anything that needs to be

If that sounds like what you need, reply to this email with the word "Hybrid" and I'll send over more details.

Clémence Dieryck

I'm a bilingual yoga teacher who helps people who sit a lot gain mobility, move without pain and reduce their stress.

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