This is why you don't have enough time

When you don’t have a lot of time it’s even more important to be intentional with your schedule. And to protect your best asset: your energy.

Everything we do costs us or gives us energy. So I’d like you to consider how many things in your day cost you energy and how many things give you energy.

If you are constantly doing, producing, looking after your loved ones, working, creating… You will never feel like you have enough time. And I’m willing to bet that the first things you sacrifice to save time, are things that GIVE you energy.

I know you have a lot on your plate. In fact, you’re exactly the kind of person I love to help, because I created my whole method with people like you in mind.

We often think that “good self-care” means we should:
go to the gym
do yoga
of course do 10000 steps
and why not throw in a long bubble bath with cucumber slices on your eyes?

I believe that’s completely unrealistic when we have a career and a household to run.

But I also believe that’s not a reason to put everybody else’s priorities before yours.

If you feel like 💩 because you have been neglecting your needs for years, there’s no way you’re going to be a joy to be around anyway. Nobody wins.

So how about we start small?

Ridiculously small? So small, it would be stupid not to do it.

And how about I show you exactly where to start, so you don’t have any choice paralysis.

And after you’ve done a few baby steps, you’ll already feel so much better, and you will WANT to do a little more.

That’s the whole Body & Mind Reset method, and it’s open for sign-ups until the end of the week.

Let me take the overwhelm away from building a self-care routine and show you where to focus your efforts to get the best result.

You can completely change your mindset around self-care in less than 3 months.

If you fully commit to this, in 90 days you are going to leave with a routine you love and all the tools to make it last.

Let me help 🫶

If you want to chat about it to make sure I can help you, you can also WhatsApp me or book a call.

Om, peace 🧡


PS: I'm closing the doors next Monday, so make sure you save your spot!

Clémence Dieryck

I'm a bilingual yoga teacher who helps people who sit a lot gain mobility, move without pain and reduce their stress.

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