You will never be (very) flexible

I have good news and bad news, Reader.

The bad news is that genetics influence our flexibility up to 70%. (Research suggests it’s somewhere between 20% and 70%, and that gigantic bracket should tell you a lot about how much we know about the body.)

What it means is that no matter how much you stretch, chances are you will never be able to join the Cirque du Soleil.

Some of us are naturally on the flexible side, and some of us feel like cement has been poured in our bodies.

The good news is that there is still at least 30% of literal wiggle room and that it is well worth using it.

Because the body only gets stiffer with time.

As we age, we become progressively more dehydrated (that’s why old people kinda look like raisins).

And what hydrates our tissues? Moving, stretching, massaging. All the beautiful things we do in my kind of yoga.

So if you’re not flexible today and you’re not doing much about it, it’s only going to get worse.

And lack of mobility means lack of freedom and more potential for injury. Not to mention the psychological effect of losing your ability to do simple things.

It is possible to slow down, sometimes even reverse the effect of aging. And it doesn’t take nearly as much effort as we imagine.

We can even make it a pleasant experience that we want to come back to again and again.

And it’s my job to do that for you <3

I'm planning on opening two spots for Hybrid members of Yoga with Clem in June

Hybrid members get:

  • An initial call to understand all the details of your current situation, and what needs to be addressed to make you feel your best
  • Monthly 1-to-1 classes with me, where we explore the practises and exercises that fit your needs
  • A plan for you to follow, with personalised routines and habits that make sense for your life
  • Weekly support to help you stay on track and adjust anything that needs to be

If that sounds like what you need, reply to this email with the word "Hybrid" and I'll send over more details.

(Just a heads-up that these are the last two spots at the current pricing, so make sure you jump in now if you're interested.)

Om, peace 🧡


PS: ICYMI, the last podcast episode talks about a subject very dear to my heart: finding the balance between being happy with what we have/are, and wanting to improve. Have a listen :)

Clémence Dieryck

I'm a bilingual yoga teacher who helps people who sit a lot gain mobility, move without pain and reduce their stress.

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