
Clémence Dieryck

2 years of physio with no improvement 😨

Published about 2 months ago • 1 min read

My client M has a sedentary job and 2 very active kids she loves to do sports with.

3 years ago, she hurt her shoulder and an MRI confirmed an impingement syndrome.

She saw physiotherapists and osteopaths for two whole years, but didn't see any improvement.

Her shoulder hurt every time she wasn't careful when moving her arm. As a result, she stopped doing any kind of physical activity, because she was afraid of the pain.

She felt that the lack of movement was making things worse. When we first talked, she said she had the impression that she had to force her body to do very normal things, like getting up after sitting on the floor.

So what did we do?

I wanted her to feel confident in her body again.

She likes a challenge, so I created fun flows and strengthening work. It showed her everything she could still do without triggering the pain. And it countered the effects of her desk job.

We also worked on helping her relax. Because being stressed creates inflammation and makes the pain worse.

This holistic approach is the secret. The body and the mind aren't two separate things, they work together.

Two things that she especially liked:

  • When she's done with work, the last thing she wants to do is going to a busy and noisy gym. So she really appreciated being able to train from home.
  • We had regular appointments and I was assigning homework to her in-between our sessions. Without this accountability, she always finds something "more urgent" to do than working out.

The result

She has since passed a test to become a lifeguard, does yoga, strength training and goes climbing with her son.

She has also made changes to her weekly routine to make time for her creative outlet, to keep her stress at bay.

Her shoulder pain is gone, she feels strong and confident 😎

I wish I could take all the credit, but she's the one who decided she was DONE with her situation and put in the work.

Because she doesn't need my help anymore, I've got space to help more people who might be going through something similar.

If that's you, please fill in the application, and we'll have a chat to see how that would look like for you.

Om, peace 🧡


PS: In case you missed it, the last Q&A episode talks about tips if you struggle to catch yourself when you slouch at your desk. Check it out!

Clémence Dieryck

I'm a bilingual yoga teacher who helps people who sit a lot gain mobility, move without pain and reduce their stress.

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