
Clémence Dieryck

Ruminating thoughts?

Published 18 days ago • 1 min read

Our minds loooove to get fixated on some thoughts.

Did I make the right decision? Which path should I choose? Why are they acting this way?

If you're feeling stuck, I'd like you to give these a try.


You wouldn’t believe how helpful it is to write down your thoughts.

Rumination happens when you’re stuck on the same thoughts that you can’t untangle. Your brain rehashes the same thoughts over and over again in the hopes that something will start to make sense.

Writing down your thoughts will force you to process them and make them clearer.

Grab a piece of paper and a pen, and start writing everything you can think of about the situation you're in. No judgment, no trying to make it nice and sensical. Just automatic writing.

You'll be surprised at the result.

Second, make a decision.

Let's say you're hesitating between two paths and can't seem to figure out which one is the right one.

If you have all the information you’ll ever get, and you’re rehashing the same what ifs over and over again, make a decision.

You can’t know the future. And you'll never know where the alternative would have taken you.

So there’s no right or wrong decision. There’s just a path that you choose and that you’ll adapt to.

You will build a life around this path and make the most of it.

Inaction and rumination will only make you waste your precious time on this Earth. And take an awful toll on your mental health.

Action is the antidote to rumination.

This question came from one my amazing Yoga with Clem members. Did you know I answer their questions every week on my podcast?

Last week, I answered the question: Falling asleep without your phone, is it possible?

Listen to it here :)

Om, peace 🧡


PS: I'm not currently taking on any new clients. If you'd like to be added to my priority list and be the first to know when the doors to Yoga with Clem open again, click here <3

Clémence Dieryck

I'm a bilingual yoga teacher who helps people who sit a lot gain mobility, move without pain and reduce their stress.

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