
Clémence Dieryck

Care less about what you can't control

Published 4 months ago • 1 min read

Letting go of what you can’t control is a noble ambition for 2024, but it is easier said than done.

If having this intention was enough, you’d have done it already 🤷‍♀️

I'd argue that the first step towards letting go of what you can’t control… is to know what you can control. And focus your efforts on that.

Let's imagine I want to be less stressed about my job...

I work in a big company, I do my best but I don't get to make the important decisions, and I'm frustrated. I think about it on my free time, maybe I even do overtime. I stress eat, I'm grumpy at home...

I know it's not a good situation but I don't know how to get out of it.

(Any resemblance to actual events is purely coincidental🫣)

What I can't always control is the parameters of my job. What I can control is how I react to them and what I do with my time.

If I start asking myself questions like:

  • What values are the most important to me? Family, Career, Creativity, Passion, Education…?
    (Follow this link for an in-depth exercise to figure them out.)
  • What makes me feel alive?
  • What do I like about my job?
  • What makes me feel accomplished?
  • What makes me irrationally angry? Why could that be?
  • What do I love spending time on?
  • What do I hate spending time on?
  • How can I fill my weeks with more of the first one and less of the second?

I'll start to have insights about what I can actually do to improve my life and let the rest slide.

Nothing changes if nothing changes

👉🏻 There's no point going into the new year with a good intention if we don't plan any changes to our routines.

Answering these questions is the best starting point. You'll have a solid base on which to build new habits that will steer you in the right direction.

So grab a pen and a journal, and start writing! If you want, you can also send me some of the insights you've gained. We can go back and forth on what little changes would make the most sense for you :)

If you like knowing yourself better and you haven't done it yet, get my favourite journaling prompts:

15 days of daily prompts to help you figure out what you need and motivate you to make the changes you know you deserve.

And if you want a soft approach to your mobility and self-care, I'd love to support you.

You know the drill: answer these questions and I'll let you know if I can help you and how :)

Om, peace 🧡


Clémence Dieryck

I'm a bilingual yoga teacher who helps people who sit a lot gain mobility, move without pain and reduce their stress.

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