
Clémence Dieryck

Ditch the complicated routines!

Published about 2 months ago • 1 min read

Let me start with a recommendation this week: the WIRED Tech Support series of videos on YouTube.

Experts in all sorts of fields answering questions from Twitter.

All the experts are so passionate, and they have the amazing skill of simplifying difficult subjects. I love it.

Anyway, I was watching a dermatologist answering questions, and someone asked if they should add anything to their 8-step skincare routine.

The dermatologist thought that she’d actually benefit from getting it down to 2 or 3.

It made me think about our tendency to overcomplicate things.

I used to think about it all the time when I was using Outlook and Teams at my old job, and they kept adding features nobody wanted (while failing to do the basic stuff).

And oh boy does this apply to our self-care.

It’s not our fault, "experts" are all over the internet trying to sell us their revolutionary tools and supplements.

But (and I will die on this hill): simple is better all the way.

Here’s my simple recipe

There are 4 pillars of health:

  • Sleep
  • Movement
  • Relaxation
  • Nutrition

Be honest with yourself, and pick the one that you know you struggle with the most. Then dedicate 15 minutes each day to improve it. It doesn’t need to be any more complicated than that.

That could look like going to bed 15 minutes earlier, or doing 15 minutes of yoga or meditation.

A few traps to avoid:

  • Don’t try to improve everything at once.
    Pick one pillar.
  • Don’t try to go from 5 hours of sleep to 8, or from zero activity to daily trips to the gym.
    Start small, build the habit of doing something first.
  • Don’t make the mistake of thinking now is not the right time to start.
    There will never be a perfect time. Do what you can today, and do again what you can tomorrow. Then repeat.

This soft, simple approach is the one I use with the people I work with.

Why? Because it lasts.

The small, seemingly inconsequential things we do every day are what counts.

If you are ready to make a lasting change, hit me up. We'll figure out together what would give you the most bang for your buck, build your perfect routine, and make you feel at home in your body in no time 🧡

Have a wonderful day.

Om, peace


Clémence Dieryck

I'm a bilingual yoga teacher who helps people who sit a lot gain mobility, move without pain and reduce their stress.

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