
Clémence Dieryck

You are not LAZY!

Published 2 months ago • 1 min read

I asked my followers on Instagram to complete the sentence "I know what to do, I'm just not doing it, because___".

The overwhelming response was "because of laziness".

And… I don’t believe that 🤷‍♀️

I bet that you do things every day that a genuinely lazy person would never do.

Perhaps you have a successful career, are raising children, travel regularly, speak several languages... or you might have a hobby on which you spend a considerable amount of time and energy.

Things that any other person would never do because they feel it’s too much energy or work.

Laziness is not a personality trait

We’re not lazy about everything. There are certain things that we don’t value enough to put our energy into them.

So maybe...

  • You're not sure exercising more is really going to change your life
  • You haven’t found a type of movement that you enjoy yet
  • You have no idea what would be good for you
  • You put everyone else’s priorities over your well-being
  • Or your schedule is chaotic and you have a bad system in place (or no system at all)

There could be many reasons, but the point is: laziness is not one of them.

And I’d like you to acknowledge that. Because when we define ourselves as lazy, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, and not a positive one.

“Of course I didn’t exercise today, I’m lazy. That’s what lazy people do.”

The problem isn’t who you are. And that's good news! It means it can change, with the right actions.

And if that sounds like what you need, I would love to support you.

We can take a good look at your situation, at the systems you have in place. And help you find a way to move more and put your wellbeing first.

So that you can live your life to the fullest and not feel this constant guilt that you’re not doing enough anymore.

What to do?

First, answer these few questions. It'll allow me to understand your situation.

We'll then have a chat, and I'll tell you how I can support you depending on your needs, objectives and budget.

If that works for you, we start changing your life 🧡

Om, peace


PS: this is random af but did you know this about fingers?

Clémence Dieryck

I'm a bilingual yoga teacher who helps people who sit a lot gain mobility, move without pain and reduce their stress.

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